About Me

As for me, in 2020 I graduated from the Minsk Radio Engineering College, also in 2020 I entered higher education at BSUIR with a degree in information technology software. Passed TeachMeSkills courses on Front-End development.

Interest in Front-End development appeared a little over a year ago, since then I read new articles every day and study layout, libraries and frameworks. At the moment, I have another goal, to go the hard way in RSSchool.

Confidently know HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, SASS, basic knowledge of React, Redux and git. Acquainted with the BEM methodology. My English level is A2

Name: Korbut Darya

Age: 19

Email: dashkakorbut@gmail.com

Address: Minsk, Belarus

Phone number: +(375)-29-599-63-42

Education: BSUIR Branch "Minsk Radio Engineering College" 2016-2020, Institute of Information Technologies BSUIR 2020-2024





